What is PANT?
Platform for Artists Netherlands Taiwan (PANT) is a platform for Taiwanese artists who are based in The Netherlands.
PANT (Platform for Artists Netherlands Taiwan), a cross-cultural hub, is open for all the Taiwanese and local artists, culture workers, curators and everyone interested in Taiwanese cultures. PANT is aiming at boosting up the interactions and exchanges of your artistic ideas and reflections on the issues relating to the Netherlands and Taiwan. Let our vibration ripples the flow !
台荷藝集(PANT)跨領域文化交流平台成立的目的為荷蘭台灣僑胞、藝術家以及當地社會建立一個訊息傳遞的埠口,匯流荷蘭X台灣相關的藝文展演資訊還有藝術創作的理念。亦希望能藉此凝聚,使得荷蘭的藝文工作者、策展人、以及居民能夠進一步瞭解台灣文化,透過互動交流,讓創意發想再次萌發! 幾年來, 台荷藝集(PANT - Platform for Artist in Netherlands and Taiwan)定期以講座、工作坊、研討會、音樂會形式舉辦活動.如:表演藝術系列之荷蘭移動表演藝術學院 Mapa Open Day 2017、藝術家系列:視覺X⾵格派 De Stijl、藝術家系列: 青年藝術家歲末講座與工作坊、輔導藝術領域新生座談...等等活動。
PANT (Platform for Artists Netherlands Taiwan), a cross-cultural hub, is open for all the Taiwanese and local artists, culture workers, curators and everyone interested in Taiwanese cultures. PANT is aiming at boosting up the interactions and exchanges of your artistic ideas and reflections on the issues relating to the Netherlands and Taiwan. Let our vibration ripples the flow !
台荷藝集(PANT)跨領域文化交流平台成立的目的為荷蘭台灣僑胞、藝術家以及當地社會建立一個訊息傳遞的埠口,匯流荷蘭X台灣相關的藝文展演資訊還有藝術創作的理念。亦希望能藉此凝聚,使得荷蘭的藝文工作者、策展人、以及居民能夠進一步瞭解台灣文化,透過互動交流,讓創意發想再次萌發! 幾年來, 台荷藝集(PANT - Platform for Artist in Netherlands and Taiwan)定期以講座、工作坊、研討會、音樂會形式舉辦活動.如:表演藝術系列之荷蘭移動表演藝術學院 Mapa Open Day 2017、藝術家系列:視覺X⾵格派 De Stijl、藝術家系列: 青年藝術家歲末講座與工作坊、輔導藝術領域新生座談...等等活動。
PANT's Mission
Exchange | Gathering | Cooperation
Who are PANT?
Founder | Wen-Chin Fu, S'yo Fang
PANT Public Curator | Wen-Chin Fu
PANT Public Moderator | Yun Lee
PANT Online Host | Yen-Ting Lo, S'yo Fang
Visual Design | Linhuei Chen, Ju An Hsieh
Documentation | S'yo Fang
Website Design | Che-Sheng Wu
Artist PANT has collaborated with | Wen-Chin Fu, Mei-Yi Lee, Yung-Tuan Ku, Che-Sheng Wu, Skyler Chen , Lichun Tseng, Linhuei Chen, S'yo Fang, Kuang-Yi Ku, Yen-Ting Lo, Šeng-Wen Lo, Cian Yu Bai, Karel van Laere....etc.
Institution PANT has collaborated with | Studio MAPA, iii ( Instrument Inventors Initiative), Stroom Den Haag, Taipei Representive Office in the Netherlands, De Gemeente Den Haag, Orange Express.
PANT Public Curator | Wen-Chin Fu
PANT Public Moderator | Yun Lee
PANT Online Host | Yen-Ting Lo, S'yo Fang
Visual Design | Linhuei Chen, Ju An Hsieh
Documentation | S'yo Fang
Website Design | Che-Sheng Wu
Artist PANT has collaborated with | Wen-Chin Fu, Mei-Yi Lee, Yung-Tuan Ku, Che-Sheng Wu, Skyler Chen , Lichun Tseng, Linhuei Chen, S'yo Fang, Kuang-Yi Ku, Yen-Ting Lo, Šeng-Wen Lo, Cian Yu Bai, Karel van Laere....etc.
Institution PANT has collaborated with | Studio MAPA, iii ( Instrument Inventors Initiative), Stroom Den Haag, Taipei Representive Office in the Netherlands, De Gemeente Den Haag, Orange Express.